Week 3

    In lab, the main question we addressed was how different factors affect how fast a child goes down a slide. My group tested how a child's clothing affects the speed at which a child goes down a slide. We came to the conclusion that the material of the clothing does affect how fast a child goes down a slide, but due to the shortness of the slide, it did not seem to make much of a difference. 

    In lecture, we discussed all of the findings that groups tested using the height of the slide, the steepness of the slide, and the clothing material a child was wearing. We discovered that all three things matter when it comes to speed. We learned about how forces such as gravity and friction affect how fast something falls, including children going down slides. 

    The textbook taught me about Newton's Laws of Motion. I have never taken physics before, so I have never had a good understanding of what they are and what they look like. It was very helpful to have them explained and be given the videos for examples of how they look in everyday life. It would be helpful to have more information on how better to teach younger students these concepts. I know we have been discussing this in lab and lecture, but it still seems like there are some gaps in my knowledge. The main question I have is how to teach students these concepts using topics they are interested in so that they stay engaged. 


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